Wildberry-honey Glögg

Tax included

Artisan Honey Glögg 500 ml

*price includes bottle fee 0.10€


Glamorously good looking Estonian-style non-alcoholic mulled wine – Artisan Wildberry-Honey Glögg – is pressed from wild blueberries and lingonberries and sweetened with nothing less than our honey. It is spiced with cinnamon, clove and cardamom, giving the otherwise fruity base a great spark. If you have not been a Christmas-loving person before, this spirit might change with this dark pansy purple winter wonder.

If you want to give it an extra twist, we recommend adding some Nobenaps organic blackcurrant-peppermint infused vodka. This will do the trick. 


Data sheet

Nutritional infomation
per 100 g on average
Energy, kJ;kcal/100 g
Carbohydrates, g/100 g
Sugars, g/100 g
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